Serenity and calm. Fragments of work, re–edited into scapes. My process has many layers to the work and I often hide multiple images in one. This series explores extracting one of the landscape compositions from my work so they can exist solo.
Expanding on my process which was used throughout 2021. Including GAN and AI elements in the process to advance my workflow. With this it opens the ability to move into much bigger formats, such as A0 and beyond. This is a point of interest because my process starts physical, goes through to digital, ending up physical again it blurs the lines between both worlds.
Expanding on my process which was used throughout 2021. Including GAN and AI elements in the process to advance my workflow. With this it opens the ability to move into much bigger formats, such as A0 and beyond. This is a point of interest because my process starts physical, goes through to digital, ending up physical again it blurs the lines between both worlds.

FRAGMENT 6, 2022
9933 x 14030
9933 x 14030